1, Q: How to order?
A: Please contact our sales person, confirm the model and quantity, provide your detailed shipping information, so our sales person can prepare you invoice for payment.
After we receive your payment, we will arrange order and shipping. Tracking information will be sent to ASAP after shipment is sent.
2, Q: Do you accept OEM?
A: Yes, it's usually have MOQ for OEM order, please consult with our sales person about your OEM requirements.
3, Q. How long is the warranty?
A: We offer 1-years-warranty.
4, Q: What's the MOQ?
A: 1pc for sample, at least 10pcs after sample order.
5, Q: Does the price includes shipping and tax?
A: No, the product price is not includes shipping and tax. You may have to pay for customs tax when goods arrive your country if sending by express courier.
6, Q. Why do we choose your company?
A. As We have more than 10 years experiences in this field.We Can handle complex product issues, as well as more important logistics and customs issues, to ensure that the goods arrive on time and safely
7, Q. How about the shipping method?
A.DHL/UPS/TNT/FEDEX will be the first choice,For small order, we can ship it by air post with low value to avoid customs, For some special country, we can use National dedicated line logistics to ensure goods arrive safely.