GR-100 Remote Scanning Locator
This instrument perfectly combines field archaeology and scientific theory. It has a high-quality remote search system and a precise positioning detection system. It breaks through the conventional detection method and uses a micro-processor to control the chip unit calibration and instrument self-checking system. It can easily and quickly scan and detect, greatly improving the work efficiency of treasure hunting enthusiasts and reducing the labor intensity of detection. It is currently an advanced, practical and economical metal detection instrument. This high-tech remote detection instrument can penetrate any container or obstacle within a certain distance. When you are sure you want to find a certain metal, you can choose it to emit a specific frequency for detection. This specific frequency is the same as the frequency of the metal you are looking for. It has a deep detection depth, and its search range can reach 400 meters or more, which mainly depends on the size of the object and the length of burial time.
1. Detection depth:
The larger the area of the object, the deeper the detection depth will be.
2. Specific functions:
It can accurately determine the buried position of the object and can locate it.
It can also rely on the frequency regulator to identify the specific type of metal.
3. Use of the transmitter
Power is the power switch button (do not turn on the switch when the instrument is not in use)
Please select the metal you want to detect according to the metal's origin
Power (receiver power switch) Gold (gold) Silver (silver) Gem (jade) Diam (gem porcelain) Note (cannot select two metals at the same time) otherwise the instrument will be damaged and the warranty will be void.
Just turn on the power switch. Then select the metal category according to the element on the transmitter to detect.
5. Operation method
Because the handheld handle of the instrument will rotate freely, the wind will interfere with the GR100 treasure detector. Therefore, the instrument will be interfered with to a certain extent when used in windy conditions. The use effect of this instrument is closely related to the operator's control skills for scanning.
Choose a comfortable posture to stand on the ground, hold the instrument with your hands, and keep your elbows tightly against both sides of your body. Note: You must keep the instrument in front of your body, allow the receiving antenna to have enough space to unfold, and let the antenna tilt slightly downward from the horizontal line. This angle is about 7 to 10 degrees.
1. As mentioned above, hold the instrument and scan in an arc very slowly while turning yourself. At this time, the detector's elbows should always be tightly against the sides of the body, and it can be turned about 40 to 60 degrees. Note: The detector must rotate slowly and keep the body stable.
2. Standardize your scanning action. First, let the receiving antenna extend correctly. Make the receiving antenna directly in front of you, 90 degrees to your body, and cannot deflect to the left or right.
3. When the antenna is aimed at the target, the instrument will lock, even if you continue to detect across the target. When you think this lock is effective, you remember this direction. Then, move the instrument about 10 meters to the left or right, and repeat the process of locking the target just mentioned. Observe the locking direction this time, and the intersection of the two directions is the buried location of the target.
4. If you think the specific location just measured is still offset, you can lock it from another angle. If the target is within about 10 meters, you will walk slowly and steadily along one of the specified routes. When you pass by the target and are directly above it, the instrument's antenna will swing from side to side. At this time, the measured position is very accurate.